2009年秋 | (JDA) | 日本国は日米安全保障条約を終了すべきである。 |
2009年春 | (JDA) | 日本政府は原則全ての企業に対してワークシェアリング又は同一労働同一賃金の原則を推進すべきである。 |
2008年秋 | (JDA) | 日本政府は核燃料の再処理を放棄すべきである。 |
2008年春 | (JDA) | 日本はカジノを合法化すべきである。 |
2007年秋 | (JDA) | 日本は死刑を廃止すべきである。 |
2007年春 | (JDA) | 国際連合は国際連合憲章を改正し、日本国、インド、ドイツ連邦共和国、ブラジル連邦共和国のうち一カ国以上を安全保障理事会常任理事国に加えるべきである。 |
2006年秋 | (JDA) | 日本はインフレ目標政策を採用すべきである。 (このシーズンより、英語Wording廃止) |
2006年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should abandon all attempts to develop and to acquire all ballistic missile defense systems.
日本政府は、弾道ミサイル防衛システムの導入及び開発を一切放棄すべきである。 |
2005年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should establish a legal framework that authorizes surrogate motherhood and/or preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
日本政府は, 代理出産または着床前診断を実施するために必要な法的枠組みを整備すべきである。 |
2005年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should allow the employment of migrant workers from overseas in all or most workplaces by amending the immigration laws.
日本政府は出入国管理関係法令を改正し、原則すべての職種で海外からの移住労働者の雇用を認めるべきだ。 |
2004年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should obligate every male full-time worker with a newly-born child to take child care leave.
日本政府は,全ての男性の正規労働者に,その子どものために育児休業を取得することを義務付けるべきである。 |
2004年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, and all the ASEAN members should each abolish its domestic currency and jointly adopt a common currency.
日本・中国・韓国および全ASEAN加盟国は、自国通貨を廃止し、共通通貨を採用すべきである。 |
2003年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should impose taxes on carbon dioxide emissions.
日本政府は,炭素税を導入すべきである。 |
2003年春 | (JDA) | 日本国政府は、教科書検定制度を廃止すべきである。 (英語Wordingなし(NAFAで作成)) |
2002年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should relax its restrictions on the creation and use of human embryo clones for medical purpose.
日本国政府は、人クローン胚の作成および人体への応用に関する規制を大幅に緩和すべきである。 |
2002年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should significantly mitigate the requirements for acquiring Japanese nationality.
日本国政府は、日本国籍の取得条件を大幅に緩和すべきである。 |
2001年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should adopt a system of trials that substantially involves laypeople in making court decisions.
日本国は、一般市民が裁判内容の決定に実質的に関与できるように裁判制度を変えるべきである。 |
2001年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should amend its Constitution so as to allow the threat or use of force for settling international disputes.
日本は、国際紛争を解決する手段としての武力による威嚇または武力の行使を認めるように憲法を変えるべきである。 |
2000年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should prohibit the production, import, and sale of any and all genetically modified food.
日本政府は,全ての遺伝子組換え食品の輸入・製造・販売を禁止すべきである |
2000年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should abandon all nuclear facilities used for the national energy supply.
日本政府は、エネルギー供給のための原子力施設をすべて廃止すべきである。 |
1999年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should increase direct political participation of the people through the introduction of a direct election of the Prime Minister and/or a comprehensive system of national referendum.
日本は、首相公選制度又は国民投票制度の導入により、国民の国政への直接的な参加を可能にすべきである。 |
1999年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should take non-threatening diplomatic measures to promote amicable relations with North Korea.
日本政府は、北朝鮮に対し、より友好的な外交政策をとるべきである。 |
1998年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should significantly reduce the progressiveness in the rates of direct taxes on individuals.
日本政府は、個人に課される直接税の累進性を大幅に緩和すべきである。 |
1998年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should significantly expand the scope of admissible evidence in criminal court.
日本政府は、刑事裁判において証拠として認められる範囲を拡大すべきである |
1997年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should adopt a comprehensive program which increases the utilization of recycled material as ingredients in all or most industrial production.
日本政府は、製造業一般におけるリサイクルされた資材の使用を増加させる政策を行うべきである。 |
1997年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should abolish the death penalty.
日本国は死刑を廃止すべきである |
1996年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan and/or the United States should terminate the Japan-US Security Treaty.
日本国・アメリカ合衆国は日米安全保障条約を終了させるべきである |
1996年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should legalize practices of medical euthanasia or organ transplants from brain dead donors.
日本政府は医療行為としての安楽死、あるいは脳死した提供者からの臓器移植を合法化すべきである。 |
1995年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should promote closer diplomatic relations with one or more of the following: Myanmar, North Korea, and Taiwan.
日本はミャンマー・北朝鮮・台湾の一つ以上との外交関係をより緊密にすべきである。 |
1995年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That Japan should adopt a system of jury trial in its courts of law.
日本国は、司法制度に陪審制を導入すべきである。 |
1994年秋 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should stop construction of all or most dams in Japan.
日本政府は、国内のすべて又はほとんどのダム建設をやめるべきである。 |
1994年春 | (JDA) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should dispatch military units to participate in the Peace Keeping Forces of the United Nations.
日本政府は、国連平和維持軍に部隊を派遣すべきである。 |
1993年秋 | (JDA大論題) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should extend the legal liability of Japanese citizens under twenty years of age. |
(JDA小論題) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should lower the legal age defined in the Juvenile Law. | |
(IEC) | Resolved: That greater legal responsibilities for minors in Japan are desirable. | |
1992年秋〜1993年春 | (JDA大論題) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should adopt a program to eradicate unfair commercial practices carried out by private corporations or by public organs. |
1991年秋〜1992年春 | (JDC大論題) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should establish one or more new laws that govern biomedical research and/or its application to medical practice. |
(JDC小論題) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should legalize organ transplants from brain-dead donors. | |
1990年秋 – 1991年春 | (JDC) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should discontinue one or more of its programs contributing to the military potential of Japan. |
1989 Fall – 1990 Spring | (JDC) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should substantially change its foreign policy toward one or more Asian nations. |
1988 Fall – 1989 Spring | (JDC) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should promote environment(al) protection by strengthening its regulation of public and/or private corporations. |
1988 Spring | (JDC) | Resolved: That the Japanese government should geographically diversify functions located in Tokyo. |
1987 Fall | (JDC) | Resolved: That the national government should restructure the Japanese elementary and/or secondary educational system to enhance its diversity. |
1987 Spring | (JDC) | Resolved: That the Japanese Government should significantly decrease its control over agricultural products. |
1986 Fall | (JDC broad topic) | Resolved: that the Japanese government should significantly decrease the proportion of energy derived from depletable resources in the national energy supply. |
1986 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the Japanese National Government should further restrict the Freedom of the Press where that freedom infringes civil right of individuals. |
1985 Fall | (All-Japan) | Resolved: that the central government should significantly increase the proportion of its revenues derived through indirect taxes. |
1985 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the authority of the executive branch of the National Government in regulating domestic public transportation should be significantly curtailed. parameter; administrative branch means Prime Minister and his cabinet. |
1984 Fall | (All-Japan) | Resolved: That the Diet should change its labor laws on labor accidents and/or employment opportunities. |
1984 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the National Government should significantly strengthen policies to protect the Japanese people from foreign nations. |
1983 Fall | (Sophia) | Resolved: that the national government should significantly strengthen the regulations on consumer goods and services. |
1983 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the National Government should significantly change its policies on utilization of land. |
1982 Fall | (Sophia) | Resolved: that Japan should significantly alter its policies of economic cooperation with developing countries. |
1982 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that Japan should take measures to mitigate trade friction with its trading partners. |
1981 Fall | (Sophia/All-Japan) | Resolved: that the Diet should adopt a program to significantly change its policies on environmental pollution. |
1981 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the National Government should significantly reform its welfare policies for the aged. |
1980 Fall | (Sophia) | Resolved: that the Japanese government should institute a program to significantly change its food policies. |
(All-Japan) | Resolved: That the Government of Japan should significantly reform its policy on grain and bean products. | |
1980 Spring | (TIDL/KIDL) | Resolved; that the Diet should adopt legislation to significantly reform the structure of National taxes. |